Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Online job- the first step ^^

The definition of a job I know before is that  wearing suitable clothes, going to company, discussing with co-workers, receiving requests from the manager, and submitting the job result by the deadline. But now, I am starting with a new definition of job. The work where I can do everything I clearly know with informal clothes, no company place, and no request from anyone. I decide what I do by my self.
When the first application that I and a friend did is successfully reviewed and uploaded to the market, I din't believe in my eye. And from that time, each day, when we wake up, the first thing we do is that going to internet, checking how many downloads we have yesterday, have any reviews from someone, or how much money we can earn. Even in some days we just get almost 0.5$. For some people, it is nothing, but for us, it's so important.  
Thanks the job when I feel useless, it gives me much power, happy to try, and to overcome problems.

1 comment:

  1. Now, I understand what was you feeling! :) but yesterday, I just got 0.2$ :((. But anyway it's really happy.
